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You need...

Trends Researched for Retail.

We Are Retail Trend Forecasting Experts.

You work in the fashion retail arena. You need assistance from an expert with real industry experience to help you translate what's coming, into what's selling. Improve your offer and improve your sales. Our trend packs can show you how.  No subscription. Just what you want, when you need it.

We Research & Predict.


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Why Use Us?

Market Research.
We research, compile, analyse and group. By using our Trend Packs, you can reduce the pressure on your own design team,  leaving them more time to design and source.

Industry Knowledge.
20 years’ experience in the industry mean we know how it operates. We're here to share that invaluable knowledge and provide support along the way.

Buyer Derived Content.
We bring years of buying experience with high street brands, so we're able to provide content offering real commercial product direction that translates into sales.

Timely Information.
We offer a consistent, timely flow of information available to guide your team on both product areas and timings, to correlate with the retail buying calendar.

We give you confidence to approach existing and new customers with a range that has all the upcoming key trends covered, including updating previous best selling lines.

Reduced Reliance.
Your reliance on waiting for retailers' direction will be hugely reduced and you'll impress as a pro-active, forward thinking and knowledgable business on whom they can depend.

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